Child Support Hearing Schedule SUPPORT CONFERENCES TELEPHONIC - Scheduled Family Division Support Conferences are being conducted remotely until further notice. Litigants and attorneys will be contacted by telephone at the time of the scheduled conference. The phone number on file with the Court will be the number utilized. If you do not have a phone number on file with the Court or you have changed your phone number, please contact the Court at 4512-350-5600 and leave a voice mail with your new phone number or email it to SUPPORT HEARINGS IN-PERSON AND ON-SITE - Scheduled Family Division Support Hearings are being held on-site and in-person. You would have received notice in the mail regarding the date, time and location of your hearing. Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled hearing to check in. If you have any questions, please call 412-350-5600 and leave a message or email with your questions. Litigant Last Name